Friday, September 18, 2009

sharp knives, hot surfaces and kissing up

So far so good. We have had 4 weeks of classes and even though there are days where things feel a little shakey, you have to keep your sights set on what is going right.

Going Right #1: We've had mostly delicious food as a result of our efforts

Going Right #2: I am managing to remember students names (yes, it has taken me this long)

Going Right #3: I actually get a few smiles at the end of class handshake

Going Right#4: When it comes to the REALLY important parts, the kids still are respecting and listen.

A lot of people were concerned about putting out all these knives, having slippery floors from all that hand washing and hot surfaces. Yes, they are hazards, but it is another example of how we are looking at things factually. It is not a "reactive" position that these students are learning, it is a "responsive" and "responsible" position that we are trying to practice. When you hold a knife in a responsible way, your viewpoint changes. It is interesting how respect is very much understood, just very hard to demonstrate in the cafeteria, where there is little respect left for the food that is regularly served here.

This helps us understand better the position/attitude one can take in the front of house. It is all connected. If they take a responsive and responsible position as a server, they can move out of the "kissing up" stigma and make themselves more available for the server jobs where you can really make money. Higher end restaurants can tell when you are kissing up and when you are being real. You can be real and courteous with someone without having to like them. This is a vital capability in any job.

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